Hello I'm

G Avineshwar

Student at JNTUA CEA..

I am student at JNTUA College of Engineering Ananatapur pursuing B Tech III year
in Computer Scienece and engineering


Web developer

Pursuing Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering in JNTUA College of Engineering .Proficient in Python3, Data Structures and Algorithms, MySQL DBMS, HTML,Learni I've mentored in DSA at Corsera. Ltd., showcasing problem-solving and communication skills. I've developed a 'Library Management System' and a 'CSETech App' as personal projects, demonstrating programming proficiency. When it comes to programming, I'm a 5-star coder on HackerRank and have solved 340+ problems on CodeChef.Receiving recognition in hackathons underline my academic achievements.

More About me

My Services

Web Developer

One way to categories the activities is in terms of the professional's area of experience such as competitive analysis, corporate stragety.

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One way to categories the activities is in terms of the professional's area of experience such as competitive analysis, corporate stragety.

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Android Developer

One way to categories the activities is in terms of the professional's area of experience such as competitive analysis, corporate stragety.

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Library Management

A Library Management System (LMS) is a software application designed to efficiently organize, catalog, and manage the resources within a library, including books, periodicals, and multimedia materials.

Music Streaming Application

Proficient in creating a Static Music Streaming Application using Jetpack Compose in Kotlin, showcasing a deep understanding of modern Android app development and UI design principles for an immersive audio experience

To Do List

It is an Website which used to store the taks the as to do list we can add tasks , completion , delete tasks and the tasks will remain after the refresh also.

Rock Paper Scissor

It is an Game user can interact with application to play the rock paper scissor game , it is user friendly developed using HTML CSS and Javascript.


I have created an Android application using Jetpack Compose in Kotlin. This app provides materials from JNTUACEA for the Computer Science and Engineering program. It offers a user-friendly interface, suggestions for improvement, contact features, and more.

Coders Nexus

Developed an Android Application for to have an centralized learning platform for the students in the Coding club of JNTUA College of engineering Anantapur

Contact Me!

If you have any projects in your mind

I'm a web developer - creating bold and brave interface design for companies all across the world.

Designed by by G Avineshwar